Dr. Alan Copperman: The Story and Ongoing Work of Sema4
Dr. Alan Copperman is a leader in reproductive medicine , having established himself as one of the leading fertility specialists and reproductive physicians at RMA of New York; one of the top centers for In Vitro Fertilization treatment in the world. In addition to his ongoing, cutting-edge work at RMA , Dr. Copperman is also a leading professional and Chief Medical Officer at Sema4 ; a patient-centered health information company that currently provides state-of-the-art genome-based diagnostics for reproductive health and oncology. Sema4 remains firmly committed to providing the deeper analysis and increased engagement needed to better understand health and disease; to gaining the meaningful insights needed to improve and enhance disease diagnosis, treatment and prevention well into the future. Based in Stamford, Connecticut, Sema4 is working toward building the predictive models of complex disease that benefit both physicians and patients for years to...