
Showing posts from December, 2018

Dr. Alan Copperman: What Progyny Offers Employers

Since 2017, Dr. Alan Copperman has served as Medical Director at Progyny, Inc. – an innovative fertility benefits company that provides both physicians and members the coverage they need to focus on successful outcomes and effective treatment. Through smart fertility benefits supported by innovative fertility science, Proygyny is working to make the dream of parenthood come true for members across the country. Dr. Alan Copperman and the Proygyny team partner with leading employers across the nation to help employees achieve a higher rate of pregnancy success – to provide members access to a comprehensive fertility approach that includes:  A top fertility specialist network of more than 500 locations throughout the United States.   Care advocates that offer guidance to patients on the path to parenthood.   An emotional wellness tool that helps ease the journey to fertility.   An all-inclusive benefit that doesn’t require pre-certification.

Dr. Alan Copperman: Professional Roles

Dr. Alan Copperman has been a leading member of the reproductive medicine community for more than 25 years. Presently, Dr. Copperman enjoys leadership roles with several notable organizations, including serving as Director of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the Mount Sinai Medical Center (since 1993); Medical Director at Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York (since 2001); Medical Director at Progyny, Inc. (since August 2017); and Chief Medical Officer at Sema4 (since August 2017).