Dr. Alan Copperman is one of the top specialists in the field of reproductive medicine, as well as a leading reproductive physician and the Medical Director at RMA of New York. Recognized each year as one of the top fertility doctors in the country, Dr. Alan Copperman focuses on providing patient-centered care to women and couples struggling with infertility—and to help patients achieve their dreams of starting a family. Fertility Treatments that Deliver Results An award-winning reproductive physician, Dr. Alan Copperman works one-on-one with each patient to determine not only the source of their infertility, but also the best treatment and course of action for their unique health and situation. Through data-driven decision making, advanced technology and the best in patient-focused, compassionate care, Dr. Copperman makes it his mission to help women attain their goal of conceiving a healthy baby one patient at a time. Visit Dr. Copperman’s LinkedIn pr...