Dr. Alan Copperman: Why Choose Elective Egg Freezing?
Dr. Alan Copperman is an accomplished fertility specialist and physician and serves as the Medical Director at RMA of New York—a world-renowned fertility clinic that offers patients the latest in reproductive treatment, technology and care. An expert in infertility treatment, Dr. Copperman and RMA of New York offer a variety of treatment options for those seeking a healthy pregnancy and the opportunity to build the family they’ve always wanted. Why Choose Elective Egg Freezing? Dr.Alan Copperman has explained that there are many reasons a woman would choose to undergo elective egg freezing—the process of retrieving and freezing unfertilized eggs to be used for a later date. Oftentimes a woman will choose oocyte preservation because: · They are building a career · Have yet to meet the right partner · Have lifes...