Dr. Alan Copperman: The Impact of Genomics on Infertility

Infertility has been a source of fascination to human beings throughout our existence; a fact evident in some of the oldest and most enduring of human legends. In one recent online piece, Reproductive Endocrinologist and top fertility doctor Dr. Alan Copperman briefly explores not only the history and evolution of this long-held fascination, but of the ongoing “genomic revolution,” and how our relatively newfound ability to analyze embryos at the genetic level is transforming and will continue to shape our views of infertility for years to come.

A Clinical Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Science at Mount Sinai Medical Center, as well as Chief Medical Officer at Sema4, a  a health information company dedicated to improving the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease through deep data analysis, Dr. Copperman examines how the science of genomics has opened the doors wide open in terms of identifying and analyzing millions of data points on each embryo, as well as identifying the healthiest embryo available for the patient. Dr. Copperman posits the next step in the genomic revolution to be the sequencing of whole genomes and transcriptomes; something that may make the process of “fixing” disease genes within viable embryos routine procedure not far down the road.

Though Dr. Alan Copperman is optimistic about the potential of genomics to enhance fertility methods in the future, he is careful to caution about the ethical protocols that will need to be in place as the technology continues to move forward.


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